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OpenDID Flow

This guide explains the internal workings of OpenDID. Understanding this flow is helpful for setting up and configuring an OpenDID Service but less important if you only need to integrate it in an application.

OpenDID includes interactions between multiple apps to authenticate and authorize users. Common use cases include the following:

  • Web app front end (app that includes the login button, for example, the demo app)
  • Web app back end
  • OpenDID front end
  • OpenDID back end
  • Identity wallet that follows the Credential API spec (typically a browser extension, for example, Sporran)

The following steps outline the interactions necessary to implement the implicit flow:

  1. The user clicks the login button on the web app front end.
  2. The web app front end redirects the user to the OpenDID front end.
  3. The user chooses what wallet to authenticate with.
  4. The OpenDID back end establishes a secure session with the identity wallet.
  5. The OpenDID back end optionally requests a credential that implements a specific CType.
  6. The identity wallet provides the OpenDID back end with the requested credential, after authenticating the DID holder.
  7. The OpenDID back end returns a id_token as a JSON web token (JWT) to the OpenDID front end.
  8. OpenDID front end redirects the user back to a specific redirect_url on the web app front end including the id_token.
  9. The web app front end detects the id_token and sends it to the web app back end.
  10. The web app back end verifies the id_token and ensures the validity of the credential.

The following sequence diagram summarizes the flow:


Although this example describes the implicit flow, the authorization code flow is similar. Instead of returning an id_token directly, the OpenDID service instead returns a code to exchange for an id_token using the token endpoint.