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Demo Project

The example code at demo-project contains a minimal application that uses OpenDID. It's an express application that exposes three things:

  • A login page that handles the dispatching of the user to the OpenDID service.
  • A callback page for one of the OpenID Connect flows supported to accept the token.
  • A protected resource that only authenticated users can access.

For the demo application to work you need a running OpenDID Service and an identity wallet that follows the Credential API spec (e.g. Sporran) with a DID and Credential issued by the required attester specified in the config.yaml file (Default is SocialKYC). If you follow the steps in this section in order, you have all the necessary components for the demo application to run.

Run the pre-configured demo application with the following command:

docker run -d -it --rm \
--name demo-frontend \
-p 1606:1606 \

The demo page runs on http://localhost:1606. It pre-fills the Client ID value and offers login buttons to follow the implicit or authorization code flow.


You can set the JSON web token (JWT) secret can with the TOKEN_SECRET environment variable inside the docker container. It must match the one specified in the config.yaml file to correctly verify the id_token. The default is super-secret-jwt-secret.