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Content Creation Guidelines

Content created should be unique in substance, reach, or delivery. Copying or quickly iterating existing works are less likely to result in a successful proposal. If providing translations, they must be done accurately by a native or expert speaker (i.e. no translation tools). Content must be accessible and open source. Any images used must be Creative Commons licensed. Content should contain no harmful language or explicit content, or false or misleading information.

Start your proposal with the following steps:


Give your project a title.

About You

General: Tell the community about yourself and your team if applicable, outlining your interest and motivation in submitting the proposal. Mention any experience you have in the subject matter.

Profile: Share links to your platforms and social networks.

Contact: Add your contact email or social handles so the Council can reach out with questions and/or verify your authorship.


Explain your vision and motivation. What’s driving you to create content and what’s the intended outcome?


Overview: Describe the project in detail. What’s the focus of the content series? (Technical / High-level, Technical / Education).

Platforms: What platform will the content be published on? Where will it live? What’s the format? What’s your demographic / audience reach?

Work: If the content has already been created, provide links to all works under consideration. If it’s for future-facing content, provide links and evidence of related work.

Schedule: Give an overview of the intended release schedule for the content.


How much do you need? Break down the costs. Price it in terms of USD, and relate it to the current price of the KILT Coin at the time of the proposal. Note the beneficiary address here.