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Provider pallet

This pallet is a core component of the Decentralized Identity Provider protocol. It enables a Substrate-based chain (provider) to bridge the identities of its users to other connected chains (consumers) trustlessly. A consumer chain is connected to a provider if there is a way for the consumer chain to verify state proofs about parts of the state of the provider chain.

The pallet is agnostic over the chain-specific definition of identity, and delegates the definition of it to the provider chain's runtime.

What the pallet stores are identity commitments, which are opaque byte blobs put in the pallet storage and on which the cross-chain identity bridging protocol can be built. As for identities, the definition of an identity commitment must be provided by the runtime and is therefore provider-specific. Naturally, this definition must be made available to consumers willing to integrate the identities living on the provider chain.

Because providers and consumers evolve at different speeds, identity commitments are versioned. This allows the provider chain to upgrade to a newer commitment scheme, while still giving its users the possibility to use the old version, if the chains on which they want to use their identity does not yet support the new scheme.

Identity commitments can be replaced (e.g., if something in the identity info changes), or removed altogether by the identity subject. After removal, the identity becomes unusable cross-chain, although it will still continue to exist on the provider chain and will be usable for local operations.

The Config trait

Being chain-agnostic, most of the runtime configurations must be passed to the pallet's Config trait. Specifically:

  • type CommitOriginCheck: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin, Success = Self::CommitOrigin>: The check ensuring a given runtime origin is allowed to generate and remove identity commitments.
  • type CommitOrigin: SubmitterInfo<Submitter = Self::AccountId>: The resulting origin if CommitOriginCheck returns without errors. The origin is not required to be an AccountId, but must include information about the AccountId of the tx submitter.
  • type Identifier: Parameter + MaxEncodedLen: The type of an identifier used to retrieve identity information about a subject.
  • type IdentityCommitmentGenerator: IdentityCommitmentGenerator<Self>: The type responsible for generating identity commitments, given the identity information associated to a given Identifier.
  • type IdentityProvider: IdentityProvider<Self>: The type responsible for retrieving the information associated to a subject given their identifier. The information can potentially be retrieved from any source, using a combination of on-chain and off-chain solutions.
  • type IdentityProvider: IdentityProvider<Self>: Customizable external logic to handle events in which a new identity commitment is generated or removed.
  • type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>: The aggregate Event type.


The pallet contains a single storage element, the IdentityCommitments double map. Its first key is the Identifier of subjects, while the second key is the commitment version. The values are identity commitments.

As mentioned above, a double map allows the same subject to have one commitment for each version supported by the provider, without forcing consumers to upgrade to a new version to support the latest commitment scheme.


The pallet generates two events: a VersionedIdentityCommitted and a VersionedIdentityDeleted.

The VersionedIdentityCommited is called whenever a new commitment is stored, and contains information about the Identifier of the subject, the value of the commitment, and the commitment version.

Similarly, the VersionedIdentityDeleted, is called whenever a commitment is deleted, and contains information about the Identifier of the subject and the version of the commitment deleted.

Calls (bullet numbers represent each call's encoded index)

  1. pub fn commit_identity(origin: OriginFor<T>, identifier: T::Identifier, version: Option<IdentityCommitmentVersion> ) -> DispatchResult: Generate a new versioned commitment for the subject identified by the provided Identifier. If an old commitment for the same version is present, it is overridden. Hooks are called before the new commitment is stored, and optionally before the old one is replaced.
  2. pub fn delete_identity_commitment(origin: OriginFor<T>, identifier: T::Identifier, version: Option<IdentityCommitmentVersion>) -> DispatchResult: Delete an identity commitment of a specific version for a specific Identifier. If a commitment of the provided version does not exist for the given Identifier, an error is returned. Hooks are called after the commitment has been removed.